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New Range of Handmade Magical Products in the Works


Handmade voodoo dolls, taismans and spell balls

Black Magic Voodoo Dolls, Spell Talismans and Spell Balls

After many years of doing things a certain way, I am working on a new handmade magical product and services line to change things up. This will infuse my practice with a much needed injection of fresh energy and inspiration and will be an interesting and exciting update for all of my regular customers, who I am sure will appreciate the changes.

Cauldron Casting Burnings to Come to an End

Ever since my spell ranges landed on the internet many years ago, I've stuck to one way of casting spells, despite there being many more options available. As an eclectic practitioner, this has now become so dull and humdrum for me. Casting spell after spell in envelopes burned in my cauldron is boring, not to mention I am really tired of my home and clothes stinking of smoke! This cannot be good for my lungs either, though only recently has this dawned on me. I have been busy thinking through and planning out an exciting new range of handmade magical products to incorporate into existing services, so get ready for shake up in the way I go about casting my Hoodoo spells and Black Magic spells Rest assured, you will still get a photo of your casting/ritual, but there will no longer be a 'wait' for days;I will be taking and sending a photo of everything the day of your service.

Handmade clay spell balls mixed with magical herbs, resins and powders

Handmade Magical Products to Include Magic Spell Balls

They won't look as beautifully presented as depicted in this image, but they will pack a powerful magical punch and will be replacing the burning of spell envelopes. Made of clay in a variety of colours to correspond magically with different types of spells, they will be mixed with ground down herbs, resins and fine gemstone crystal powders relevant to the nature of each spell, left to dry, then dusted in an appropriate hand-blended magical powder before being set on a selenite charging plate, ready for the ritual process, which I will save explaining in depth until the time comes when I am ready to list them. As of early October, I am in the early stages of getting batches made and will need to spend a lot of time mixing up over 100 powder formulas so everything is 'ready to go' before I update all listings. Are you excited yet? I am! These unique balls will also be available as 'sets' that you will be able to purchase and use yourself - no experience necessary.

Clay Poppets to be used in all Black Magick Castings

Handmade clay voodoo dolls stuffed with magical herbs, resins, charms and other magical delights

Casting spells in envelopes burned in my cauldron for black magic spells, and the accompanying rituals I do will be changing and updating to something fresh, new and far more interesting before the end of 2024. I am going to be paying for the services of a talented sculptor, Wayne (Sean) Donovan, to create handmade clay spell poppets. Also known as doll babies or voodoo dolls, over the centuries of their use they have been made from a variety of materials including wax, cloths of different kind and even straw, but clay is a preferred medium for its flexibility and durability and it can also be coloured in different hues to employ colour magic - an important component of any good magical practice. These voodoo dolls will have a cavity into which herbs, resins, crystals, charms, etc will be placed before being sealed up and worked on further by myself. I will provide more information about how these will be used, and the new ritual components that I will be introducing as part of my popular black magic spells range.

Handmade clay magical talismans created with magical herbs, resins and powders, decorated with magical crystals

Handmade Magical Talismans

I'm not sure Mr Donovan's artisan skills can completely compete with the ceative output of AI art (doesn't it always make things look so picture-perfect, sigh), but he will be doing his best to sculpt and decorate a range of hand made clay talismans for my websites that I have no doubt will be visually appealing while packing a strong magical punch. As with the other items in my range of handmade magical products, these individually created talismans will be made by mixing colour, resins, herbs, gemstone sand etc, into the clay, before being shaped and decorated with Reiki/Magic -charged crystal shards relevant to the spell casting and an appropriate magical sigil. Each clay magical talisman will then be worked on by myself, where I will magically 'charge' the talismans to infuse them further with a specific magical intention. The combination of various magical ingredients, together with a spell programmed into each crystal, creates a strong layering of magical forces. When the time comes, I will explain things in more depth.

A Brand New, Additional Website is also in the Works!

Tarot Magick has been around since 2013 approximately and was the second website I created. In the past year or so, I gave it a complete overhaul to freshen it all up. Some harsh lessons in the past taught me never to keep all your eggs in one basket, and so - partially for this reason, but mainly because I have a bunch if innovative, original ideas which I feel require their own website - I am slowly working on CONJURE GROVE. This will be focused entirely on new types of spell work that I have not yet published anywhere, plus new magical products, and an extensive range of spiritual-magical energy work to inlude Attunements, Empowerments, Reality Codes and so much more. I have a very wide skills base but, dogged by migraines throughout my 40's (as many of my regulars know all about), I had to limit the scope of what I was able to offer as I just didn't have the time or energy. All that has changed now my migraines ended (the one 'plus point' of getting through menopause, haha). My creative juices are now in full flow, and I am ready to level up my range of offerings. You are all going to love what I am putting together!

Many of the things I will be offering there will be powered up by Reiki, courtesy of Mr Donovan, prior to me further working on them with magic. It is a misnomer that Reiki is used only for 'spiritual healing'; it is an incredibly powerful force which works beautifully well in tandem with traditional magical practices, adding a strong foundational level of power to a variety of objects and products that forms a fantastic energetic base from which to build on and 'layer' magical energies, to make everything stronger. Not many spell casters seem to have cottoned onto this yet, but I will be one of those few!

So stay tuned - I will notify everyone once things are 'ready to go'!



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